Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's the most wonderful time.....

Yes, friends. Spring is here. Since I live in Nashville, it is time to get this gardening party started! Today I am heading out to prep one of the beds. I need to plant my peas this week.

Here is what I think we are growing this year!

2 herb gardens (one with rosemary, sage, oregano, parsley, cilantro, dill, and whatever else I can squeeze in there and the the other one will be the basil garden. I will do regular basil, thai basil, globe basil which are absolutely adorable and maybe some other basil I find at the garden center)
sugar snap peas
snow peas
zucchini and summer squash
peppers (green, thai, jalapenos)
my sunflower patch will be a pumpkin patch this year
green beans

this still leaves room for a few more things. Not sure what else I would like to do. I'll have to hit the seed aisle to see if something strikes my fancy.

Here's to dirty fingers and sun-kissed noses! Man, I love spring.


  1. this wasn't Dr. Fahimi in Michigan was it?

  2. darn it i posted on the wrong thing.....not sure how to delete...sorry!!!
