Thursday, January 8, 2009

Feeling like a human

Pre-surgery, I slept with one pillow either on my side or on my back.  Needless to say, I haven't been able to sleep like that at all.  Each night, it has gotten better until last night, I got into bed, rolled over on my side and cuddled up on Kenny's chest while we watched Mythbusters.  It was the most comfort I have felt in a week.    Shortly after, I rolled back over to my side and laid there on one pillow, just like old times.   I finally feel like a human again.

On that same note,  I was able to get up and do a couple of dishes today.  I know that doesn't sound that exciting but really, it is.  It took me a little longer than usual and I had to rest afterwards but at least I did them.    Lucky for me, Kenny has been an absolute doll and done most of the housework since surgery.  I am a lucky girl

1 comment:

  1. I was gonna do them when I get home, but I won't complain about the help, as long as you're taking it easy.
